


Barriers to Breakthroughs:

Leveraging AI For Accessible Communication in Workforce Development & Adult Education


4 June 2024
1:00PM EST via Zoom

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Together with our expert panel, TranslateLive brings to you:

From Barriers to Breakthroughs:

Leveraging AI For Accessible Communication in Workforce Development & Adult Education

Learn how to break down language barriers, and empower your workforce agency with AI-powered communication

If you’ve been struggling to effectively communicate with diverse clients in your workforce agency, join us for a free webinar and discover how TranslateLive’s Instant Language Assistant can revolutionize your client interactions.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How AI technology removes language barriers, fostering seamless communication with all clients. 

  • The benefits of TranslateLive for both staff and clients in your Workforce Development and Vocational. Rehabilitation programs.

  • Real-world examples of how agencies are using TranslateLive to achieve breakthrough results.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how TranslateLive is taking the nation’s Workforce and Vocational Rehabilitation Systems by storm


Expert Speakers

Tim Blonsky, Principal at Timothy James Workforce Consulting - over 15 years of experience in Workforce Development and Disability Employment

Tim Blonsky

Principal, Timothy James Consulting

Over 15 years of experience in Workforce Development and Disability Employment

Peter Hayes

Peter Hayes

CEO, TranslateLive

Expertise in designing and developing complex real-time video conference and translation technology solutions to all 3 military branches, intelligent agencies, state, local and federal government agencies, government contractors, Fortune 500 businesses, financial institutions, non profits, both public and private companies.

Jennifer Quigley VP Business Development for TranslateLive, makers of ILA language translation platform

Jennifer Quigley

VP, Business Development, TranslateLive | Founding Member, Profound

Expert in Deaf Services with a 30 year career in Deaf Services of leveling the playing field for all. Forges partnerships around the world to break down the communication and language barriers that divide us, emphasizing that it’s all about the “Human Connection.”

Lauren Phipps Workforce Development, EO Administrator

Lauren Phipps

Planning and Policy Specialist, Fraud Investigator, EO Officer Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas

Workforce Solutions

Laura Dutch

Laura Dutch

Principal, Vallejo City Unified School District | Vallejo Adult School at Al Berenguer Educational Center

Expertise in Adult Education